Professional property management is our business, and we’re taking a moment today to explain why it’s important to take time out of our busy schedules to come to the National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM) conference every year. We think it’s important to attend this conference because it puts us in touch with some of our important technology partners.
Rently is one of the tech partners we often meet with at the annual NARPM convention. As you may know, it’s the Rently lockbox system that we use to show properties. Potential tenants can go to the property when it’s convenient for them, and see the home. This allows us to rent your properties faster.
Filter Easy
Filter Easy is also a wonderful partner of ours. They make sure our tenants are doing what they need to do by replacing the filters on a regular basis. This company mails filters to their doors on a regular basis, at the tenant’s expense. This way, we know the filters are being changed. You get some money back in your pocket by not having to budget for expensive HVAC repairs.
Appfolio is the heart and soul of our property management business. Without Appfolio, you wouldn’t have an owner portal to access all your important information. This partnership is what we do to make everything easier for you. helps us identify the risk of any pet who will go into your property. This application takes all the information a pet owner puts in about the pet and collects pictures and vet records. Then, we get a rating on that pet. This allows us to be prepared for what we’re taking on when we let a pet into your property, and you can make an informed decision about whether or not to accept a pet.
If you’d like to hear more about what we learn at the annual NARPM convention, or you have any questions about property management in Hampton Roads, Virginia, please contact us at Doud Realty Services.