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Data-Driven Decisions: Using Analytics to Conquer the Hampton Roads Market

Data-Driven Decisions: Using Analytics to Conquer the Hampton Roads Market

Whatever industry you happen to be in, you likely spend a lot of time talking about technology. The tools and systems that are available to us continue to grow and evolve. The real estate and property management industries are not exempt. We have emerging technologies showing up all the time. The discipline is in knowing which ones are essential and which ones are not.

One of the most powerful tools available to real estate investors today is data analytics. There’s a lot that can be done with the amount of data that’s delivered to buyers, sellers, investors, and experts. In the Hampton Roads market, leveraging analytics can provide you with a significant edge, allowing you to make smarter investments and maximize returns

Data-driven decision-making involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting various forms of data to guide your investment strategies. This approach shifts the focus from intuition and guesswork to actionable insights derived from reliable information. By investing in and understanding the power of data, real estate investors can identify trends, assess risks, and pinpoint lucrative opportunities with precision.

Let’s talk about these analytics and insights that are more available than ever, and how we can use them to make a real difference in how you invest.

Identifying Market Trends

Analytics can uncover patterns and trends within the Hampton Roads market that might otherwise go unnoticed, even by the most experienced investors and their expert property managers. We gather as much data as we can because by examining historical data, such as property values, rental rates, and occupancy levels, we can help investors identify which neighborhoods are on the rise and which might be declining. 

This information is invaluable for making timely decisions about where to buy or sell properties. As we measure the data against your investment goals, your financial situation, and your plans for the future, it becomes clear where you should invest or what type of property is going to be the most profitable for you now and into the future. 

Market trends should never be a surprise. With the right data, we can see where the market is shifting, and that allows our investors and owners to position themselves and their portfolios for less risk and higher earnings. 

Assessing Property Value Accurately

Determining the true value of a property is crucial for making profitable investments. Traditional methods of property valuation can be subjective and prone to errors. However, data analytics with the technology we have available offers a more accurate and objective approach. By analyzing comparable sales, market conditions, and property-specific data, investors can arrive at a fair market value that reflects the current state of the market.

This is helpful when you’re buying or selling. It provides you with a strong starting point for negotiations. It can also help you estimate what you’ll pay in taxes and how much insurance you’ll need. Those decisions are smarter when they’re supported by reliable data. 

Optimizing Rental Income for Hampton Roads Investment Properties

Profitability depends on efficiency and information. Accurate and profitable rental values are an essential starting point. For investors looking to generate more rental income, analytics can help optimize rental strategies both at the time of listing and at renewal time, when you need to negotiate a new lease and a higher rental rate. 

By examining rental trends and demand patterns, investors can set competitive rental rates that attract tenants while maximizing income. Additionally, data analytics can assist in identifying the best property types and locations for rental investments in Hampton Roads. 

Rental values have always depended on:

  • Property condition and size

  • Location

  • Amenities

  • Season and demand

More than anything else, however, the market has impacted what you can charge in rent. We’ve been telling investors this for years. Now, it’s easier to understand what exactly the market will demand and allow. We have the data, and we can use it to more effectively price properties and make decisions.

We’ve talked to a number of investors who have effectively used data analytics to optimize their rental portfolios. By analyzing rental trends and demand patterns, it’s possible to identify a rising neighborhood with high rental demand and increasing rental values. When you invest in a property in such neighborhoods and price it accordingly, you might find you’re earning 10 or 20 percent more in rental income after just a few months. 

Mitigating Risks with Analytics

Every investment carries some level of risk, even real estate. You have to be prepared for potential liabilities, especially when we’re talking about homes and people living in those homes. Outside of the risk that comes with your property and your tenants, there’s also the investment risk. Did you make the right choice in buying this property? Are you making the right improvements and are you earning what you should? 

Data analytics can significantly reduce uncertainties, and the fewer uncertainties you face, the more profitable your property is likely to be. By analyzing factors such as crime rates, school quality, and economic indicators, investors can make informed decisions about potential risks associated with specific properties or neighborhoods. This proactive approach helps safeguard investments and enhances long-term profitability. You can use data analytics and insights to diversify a portfolio, refinance a mortgage, and look for other ways to protect yourself and your property.

Streamlining Property Management in Hampton Roads

Effective property management is essential for maintaining and growing a real estate portfolio. Smart investors understand the value of a good property, and hopefully your property manager understands the value of good technology. 

Analytics can streamline property management processes by providing insights into: 

  • Tenant behavior and trends. 

  • Maintenance needs and the potential to replace systems rather than repair.

  • Lease management and renewal trends. 

Predictive analytics can even forecast future maintenance issues, allowing investors to address them before they become major problems. 

Look for a property management partner who not only utilizes technology to automate services and keep their work efficient, but also a company that understands the value of analytics and insights, and actively collects data to make better decisions and more relevant recommendations. 

Tools and Techniques for Data-Driven Real Estate Investing

At Doud Realty Services, we spend a lot of time on professional development. We know it helps our investors, and we also know that it makes us better property managers. By attending conferences and seminars and attending industry classes, we’re able to stay up to date on the most important innovations that affect our industry. 

Here are some of the tools and platforms that we’re seeing property managers use to help real estate investors understand the data and the analytics that are provided, and to turn those insights into actionable steps that drive better investment results:

  • Property Data Platforms

There are a number of rental platforms online to help investors and landlords understand the market and how their properties fit into that market. Think about platforms like Zillow, Redfin, and On these sites, you’ll find extensive property data, including historical sales, price trends, and neighborhood statistics. These platforms provide a wealth of information that investors can use to make informed decisions.

We always caution investors that these sites are merely a starting point. It’s much more beneficial to drill down into the data that impacts your specific property. However, there’s a lot of good, quick information that can be found on platforms like these. 

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

GIS technology enables investors to visualize data on maps, making it easier to identify geographic trends and patterns. By layering data such as property values, economic factors, income levels, and school quality on a map, investors can gain a comprehensive understanding of the Hampton Roads market.

  • Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics uses historical data to predict future outcomes. In real estate, this can mean forecasting property values, rental demand, and market trends. Tools like machine learning algorithms can process vast amounts of data to provide accurate predictions that guide investment decisions. You can also use predictive analytics to estimate when you’ll need a new water heater or whether it’s better to replace that stove instead of repairing it.

  • Real Estate Investment Software

Specialized software abounds in the property management and real estate industry. You can chose from Appfolio to Buildium to RealPage and Yardi; the list goes on. You’ll want to be intentional in what you choose because each platform offers comprehensive solutions for real estate investors. These platforms integrate data analytics, property management, and financial analysis, providing a one-stop solution for making data-driven decisions.

When you work with a Hampton Roads property management expert, the technology is already in place. You won’t have to invest in any software yourself because your management partner is providing it as part of the service you expect.

  • Market Reports and Research

Do your homework. Regularly reviewing market reports and research studies specific to Hampton Roads can provide valuable insights. Local real estate agencies, economic development organizations, and government sources often publish reports detailing market conditions, economic trends, and demographic changes.

By harnessing the power of analytics, real estate investors can identify trends, assess property values accurately, optimize rental income, mitigate risks, and streamline property management. Don’t treat this like a trend. It’s the new normal. 

Contact Property ManagerQuestions? Contact us at Doud Realty Services, Inc. We provide expert property management in Norfolk, Portsmouth, Hampton Roads, as well as surrounding areas such as Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Chesapeake, and Newport News. 
